Monday, October 12, 2009


No I have not fallen off the weight loss wagon, I have just been really busy. My brother warned me this weekend that if I don't update my blog people are going to start thinking I backed out of my plan and am resting in a pile of carne asada fries (yum that sounds so amazing).

My new job and extraordinarily long commute are zapping all my free time. But to re-cap: I am still pursuing weight loss with humor. This weekend was my first cleanse day. I ate nothing, except these small chocolate tablets called "snacks." Surprisingly they are good, either that or I have been denied real flavor for too long. So, during the daunting cleanse day I decided that my best option was to keep focused on anything but food, and to stay busy. So I decided to move from location to location every two hours. I started out at home, went to a co-workers house, went to my brothers where I got to hear about the BBQ he was about to have, I went shopping and played the consumer role in another venue besides and eatery, and I then went to a friend's house who was having a Charity Poker Tournament. I made it through successful. My mother was so proud of me that I did not cheat.

To congratulate myself, the next day (yesterday), I consumed 8 deeply friend pork eggrolls, a diet Pepsi, popcorn (with A LOT of butter), and peanut butter and crackers, yikes!

Don't worry too much I am back on track. I ate well today and had a lunch with tons of asparagus, complete with the after affect....asparagus pee.... and seeing as though we (co-workers) take bathroom breaks at the same time, I had to apologize to whichever woman was taking over my stall...It's only common courtesy right? You know, we should apologize for our smelly pee.

In total I have lost 5 pounds, who knows what those egg rolls have done, and well, my step-dad has lost 20. I am pretty sure the competition is I just compete with myself. I have to be really strong this week because I already have two cheat days scheduled, 1) Potluck on Friday for end of training celebration, and 2) Friend's Bridal shower with Laotian food.

Until I write next...still hungry in San Diego...

1 comment:

  1. Wow, smelly pee, ars on fire, what the heck did you learn all of this language writing stuff? At the UoG, how in the world are you going to write the GR8 american and/or english novel my daughter. Keep the blogs coming they are very entertaining.
    PapaBob or is it BobPapa?
